Sunday, October 3 2021 | 6:45-7:30pm EDT
Meditation for Queer, Trans and Intersex People of Color is a group meditation on Sunday nights led by and for QTBIPOC. Our time together will be spent in 5-10 minute meditations, sharing readings by rotating queer and trans authors of color, and sharing our reflections, struggles, and strategies for both self and community care. This group is for queer, transgender, intersex and non-binary people of color only space in which to find stillness, solitude, and community during a time when our lives (and particularly the lives of Black and indigenous people) are more overtly in the crosshairs of violence from multiple fronts. The meditation practice will incorporate space for people to share their struggles and their strategies for self-care and community care, and will facilitate relationship building among people seeking to define “healing” and “wellness” in a context in which true safety is not attainable. The circle will use a politic of radical love as a guiding force, and incorporate spiritual teachings from Buddhism, other religious traditions, and QTBIPOC artivists both living and dead.
Hyunhee Shin (she / her) comes to meditation by way of her martial arts practice. She is a class straddling queer Korean survivor of child sexual abuse and family violence. She has worked in anti-violence social justice orgs for the last 5 years and is obsessed with how we care for ourselves and each other as survivors supporting survivors. Her Hapkido and meditation practice are core to her healing journey and she strives to continue learning and deepening her practice in community.