Statement from Third Root in Solidarity with the AAPI Community

Expressing solidarity with all members of Asian, Asian-American, and Pacific Islander communities.

Greetings Third Root family,

We write today to express our solidarity with all members of Asian, Asian-American, and Pacific Islander communities.

The roots of many of our healing traditions at Third Root, traditions that we hold central to our work of healing those most impacted by systemic inequality, are rooted in Asian lineages. And we are deeply troubled by the surge of anti-Asian hate crimes across the US, which have steadily escalated this year during the pandemic. While we recognize there is a long and dangerous history of violence, rooted in militarization and war, that underpins the harm being done to the AAPI community, we affirm our resilience and solidarity.

Healing is not theoretical, it is a practice of ending harm, and taking care. We call on our fellow yogis and wellness practitioners to be vocal and active in your support of the AAPI community, and to find ways to challenge white supremacy and racism as it shows up, including in the media portrayal that minimizes harm.

We ask that you review the Racial Equity Resources compiled by our friends at MINKA Brooklyn. You can also attend free bystander training held at Hollaback NYC and access their free guide. If we are not actively challenging white supremacy, we are actively doing harm.

We send our prayers for the people whose lives were cut short in Atlanta, for their families and loved ones, and for healing within the AAPI community.

Please consider following and donating to Asian, Asian American, and Pacific Islander advocacy organizations like –

Stop AAPI Hate
CAAAV Organizing Asian Communities
DRUM (Desis Rising Up and Moving)

Thank you to our friends and allies who are standing up and speaking out.

We wish you healing and care this week,

~ Third Root Collective

Third Root closed December 19, 2021. Thank you for being part of our community.

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