Holly Sass

Massage Therapist and Biodynamic Craniosacral Therapist

Holly will be continuing to practice privately on a sliding-scale in Clinton Hill, Brooklyn. You may email them at hollysassbodywork@gmail.com to inquire and visit their website to learn more and subscribe to their email list.

Holly also recently founded bodies for bodies, an NYC collective that will provide monthly donation-based healing offerings for queer/trans folks, by queer/trans folks. If you’d like to be involved in any way or stay updated about our upcoming care days, please email bodiesforbodiesnyc@gmail.com or visit us on instagram: @bodiesforbodies

Modalities: massage therapy (deep tissue, swedish), biodynamic craniosacral therapy, Ilan Lev Method

Holly (they/them) is a genderqueer massage therapist, biodynamic craniosacral therapist and soon-to-be Ilan Lev Method Practitioner. Their massage therapy sessions focus on chronic pain management, injury rehabilitation and promotion of overall homeostasis. Their craniosacral therapy sessions support the flow of bodily fluids, including cerebrospinal fluid, mental/emotional resilience and trauma resolution. The Ilan Lev Method is a form of bodywork that uses movement and play to bring new pathways and ease into the body. Each modality is deeply informed by their ongoing practice as a movement artist. Holly believes that underneath any pathology, there is health, and that every being deserves to know and understand this concept.

Thank you to each person who I crossed paths with a Third Root. I am eternally grateful for this community.

Third Root closed December 19, 2021. Thank you for being part of our community.

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